Spring Has Sprung FINALLY at Our House

Spring has sprung at our house!  Finally!

The winter seemed to drag on and on and when this first brave crocus popped its head up in early April, I thought, finally, spring is here!

But Mother Nature had different ideas.  The temperature dropped again, then it rose, then dropped, along with some flurries, rain, and recently, a freak hail storm that lasted only minutes.  I put away my winter coats, took out my flip-flops and short sleeve shirts, took my winter coat out again, then packed it away for good when the daffodils appeared and we had an 80 degree day.

spring has sprung

But joke’s on us, because the temperature fell to the 30’s again, until I didn’t know how to dress.  One day, I found myself wearing flip-flops, capri pants, a tank top, and a long black wool coat over it all.

Then this week, the cherry blossoms finally bloomed.

spring has sprung

Gorgeous blossoms against the blue sky.

spring has sprung

With the sun shining through.

And the forsythia burst into bloom.

spring has sprung

When I found Pinot talking to a turtle in the yard, I knew spring was finally here.

What’s that you say?  Winter was hard for you too?  Yes, I can see that by the chips on your shell.

But don’t worry, spring has sprung!  We can put away the winter coats!

Unless it decides to snow next week.



  1. Elaine on May 1, 2015 at 7:42 am

    I’m still leaving my coat out – just in case!

    • pinotbylyn on June 16, 2015 at 6:55 pm

      very smart.

  2. Elizabeth on May 3, 2015 at 9:43 am

    The cherry blossoms are beautiful!

    • pinotbylyn on June 16, 2015 at 6:55 pm

      Love them – too bad they don’t last long.

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