Jumping at the Great Wall
At one time, there were two families who didn’t know each other and lived in different states.
Then they traveled to China together to get their daughter and son, and now the two families are lifelong friends.
Before they met their new daughter and son, they got a chance to explore Beijing and the Great Wall together. And that’s where the friendship began.
Most people take normal pictures of themselves when they travel. But not I. If you know me, you know I tend towards the crazy shots – jumping and doing hand stands.
It was very hard to do a handstand at the Great Wall on the uneven ground in a big bulky coat and dodging all the other tourists.
But I managed, even if the handstand is a bit off.
Next, jumping at the Great Wall.
I love the Great Wall in the background, even if my hair across my face makes it look like I have a black tooth.
I then recruited Allison, Maren and Abby (the family we were traveling with) to see if they would do a jumping pose with me. To my delight, they thought it was a great idea.
The other tourists thought we were crazy but we had a great time taking shot after shot (and great exercise too, jumping up and down on the Great Wall).
I channeled my former ballerina self and executed a grand pas de chat.
Abby and Maren really got into it. They took their own jumping pose and I think they look like superheroes.
Best picture ever.
My craziness must have rubbed off on Abby because when Jim and I tried to take a normal posed tourist picture on the Great Wall, Abby decided to photobomb us.
Actually, Abby made this picture better. Because we’re like family now, right Abby? You’re going to give us your room so we can come live with you, right?
We had a great time with Allison, Carey, Abby and Maren on the Great Wall. And the best part was the toboggan that you can take to get off the wall. We all thought this sign was funny:
“Tobogganing is so simple.”
It wasn’t as simple as the sign proclaimed since we had a few bumping incidents, but it was so much fun to go whizzing down the hill.
And when you are acting as a tourist and walking around all day, you rack up those steps and miles and active minutes on your zip.
Pretty impressive stats. Who knew playing tourist and jumping around was such great exercise.
Being in Beijing and the Great Wall with Allison and her family gave us a much-needed break to get over jet lag and calm our nerves before flying on to Guangzhou to meet Linna and Lakon. And that’s when our new lives began.
Lakon is doing so much better here at home. He’s not afraid of Pinot and Lokie anymore and they’re starting to become friends.
I promise the next post will have pictures of two dachshunds and a little boy. Stay tuned!
Great pictures but so happy for you all with your new daughter and son. I’m sure this was a much needed break before your lives all changed. Congrats!
Love these pictures and this story! Believe it or not, I’ve been to Guangzhou! Took a day trip from Hong Kong on my super quick visit from Japan. One more connection for me and Lakon. 🙂
Life is too short to waste it sulking. I’m so glad you enjoy it to the fullest. Love and kisses to your newly adopted son and the rest of the troupe!